Fire Alarm Telegraph for Call Box No. 4596


aw item number:  2004.154
manufacturer:  The Gamewell Co, Newton, Mass.
box number:  4596
patent date:  unknown

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size:  8”L x 10.5”H x 3.75”W

color:  Red composition:  Cast Iron, metal, glass, wires
acquisition date:  7/19/2004

status:  Collection

description:  Simple Cast Iron box with single door on the front.  A single "hook" sticks out through a curved opening.  The front of the door gives direction to "Pull Hook Down Once And Let Go."  Inside the box is a telegraph system with a toothed wheel specific to this box.

information:  Pulling down on the "hook," would cause the motor inside to wind, turning the toothed wheel at a certain speed.  This would send a telegraphic signal to the central station, with the number of the box.  Since this box is 4596, the teeth on the wheel, are 4-5-9-6, followed by a pause, and then repeated. Originally located in the 45th District at the corners of Walsh and Ulena.  Click here for a video and further explanation.

